I just now called 601-359-3770 and a very nice lady answered on the first ring. I asked her to ask Speaker Phillip Gunn and Chairman Chris Brown to adopt the committee strike all amendment for HB1353. She was very interested in this and immediately asked for my name, telephone number, where I lived, and for me to tell her very clearly what I wanted. She then had me tell her slowly 3 times what I said, and she read it back to me, telling me she would get this message straight to them.
Our neighborhood is not a dumping ground for the state.
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) is considering ANOTHER landfill for our neighborhood.
It is not fair that our community should bear the burden for the rest of the area.
Tell our officials that we matter. We are not collateral damage in someone’s effort to make money off an unnecessary landfill.
Say NO to the NCL Landfill!
MDEQ has tabled this permit approval until January 14th, 2020!
Please call your Madison County supervisor - 601-790-2590
- Sheila Jones - Madison County District 1
- Trey Baxter - Madison County District 2
- Gerald Steen - Madison County District 3
- David Bishop - Madison County District 4
- Paul Griffin - Madison County District 5
Tell him/her to STOP THIS NCL LANDFILL. And, if you do not hear back within a couple days, email him/her a meeting request. This is a map I put together showing the supervisor for your district.
Continue to Demand MDEQ answer these questions. [Download PDF]
Call 601-961-5171 and speak with Mark Williams.
- What has MDEQ defined and recorded as the need for allowing this NCL landfill to be built west of Ridgeland, which will require taxpayers dollars to pay for MDEQ employee time, equipment, and supplies for doing the work required to govern and support this NCL landfill's operation?
- Why is the 1 mile setback not being enforced? Did someone not count 20 homes in Woodland Springs?
- How can NCL claim our roads and lives will not be impacted by increase in traffic this landfill will cause?
- How will this landfill benefit Madison county and its residents?
- Why is this decision being made by NCL and MDEQ with little or no minority voice?
- Do you feel this landfill being allowed to Ridgeland's west, seriously limiting the growth of Ridgeland, is good for Ridgeland?
- How can MDEQ approve this landfill when that buffer requirement is not being met?
- When will backup beepers for heavy equipment be added as a requirement in NCL's application and when will a noise study be done that includes sufficient backup beepers?
Please take a minute and sign this petition - CLICK ===> <=== CLICK
Red outline shows where NCL is wanting to put this landfill